13th Scottish Days in Wuppertal on August 31st. and September 1, 2024

So far the following is planned for the weekend:

Clan Village, Highland Games, Scottish Camp, Pipe Competition, handmade jewelry and fashion, kilts, bagpipe accessories, British sweets, Irish dancing, grilled delicacies, good music and all sorts of other things to discover.

It starts at 11:00 a.m. Saturday with the PipeCompetition and Sunday with the Team Highland Games

More information will follow shortly.

Are you interested in the PipeCompetition, the Highland Games or would you like to come with a booth? Then take a look here and register.

>>Registrations for the 13th Scottish Days<<


As always, the venue is the CVJM-Westbund (Bundeshöhe 6 / 42285 Wuppertal)